Let's Talk Yoga
Arundhati is an immigrant Indian yoga teacher, living in the US. She's grown a 6 figure yoga business singlehandedly. Self-taught, hardworking, and passionate, she's changing the yoga conversation to include more Indian yoga teachers. This podcast covers topics like cultural appropriation of yoga, yoga teacher training, practicing yoga in business, and much more...Whether you're a student or a teacher, you'll find valuable insight, strategies, free downloads, and raw conversations. Tune in every Tuesday for a new episode! More good stuff on our website - letstalk.yoga.
Let's Talk Yoga
10 Minutes Yoga Nidra Practice
Arundhati Baitmangalkar
Episode 148
Today I am going to walk you through a guided beginner-friendly Yoga Nidra practice. For those of you who are exploring Yoga Nidra for the first time, this is a deep guided relaxation practice usually done in the position of Shavasana.
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