Let's Talk Yoga

Prana Decoded with Indu Arora

Arundhati Baitmangalkar

Prana is something every yoga teacher knows. But many know it only as surface knowledge. In this episode, Arundhati interviews Indu Arora, a long-time yoga teacher, and author about Prana. They decode prana for today's yoga teacher & student. If you're keen to learn about prana clearly and from an authentic source. This is the conversation to tune into.

Prana Decoded Episode Highlights...

  • What is prana?
  • When did prana first appear in the scriptures or in yoga?
  • How does one connect with their prana?
  • How does breath play into prana?
  • The different types of prana and their significance
  • Recommended practices for healthy functioning of prana and apana
  • Misinterpretations about prana

Indu Arora is a long-time yoga teacher, author, and mentor to yoga teachers. To read her full bio, head to https://letstalk.yoga/

You can find all the resources mentioned in this episode in the show notes at https://letstalk.yoga/episode/prana-decoded-with-indu-arora/

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