Let's Talk Yoga

Most Asked Pranayama Questions – Answered!

Arundhati Baitmangalkar Episode 172

In today’s episode, I share the top five most frequently asked questions about Pranayama practice. Since I’ve been doing & teaching pranayama for over a decade, these questions come up time & time again. So I decided to put them in a podcast episode for you to have easy access. Pranayama is truly a practice that we should be indulging more in. Whether you teach yoga or do you’re a student. There is so much to this ancient practice.

Episode Highlights:

  • What is the meaning of Pranayama?
  • What does one need to do to start learning Pranayama?
  • Why does Pranayama need to be done on an empty stomach?
  • How often should you change your Pranayama sequence?
  • Is Pranayama a form of meditation?

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